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Lacey Township Food Bank


Join us as a Lacey Food Bank volunteer, and you'll get your own Santa Hat !


Here's our jolly bunch of Santa's helpers getting ready for the doors to open to the 200 + families who streamed in to gather up their Christmas dinners. 

Friday starts early with our stalwart volunteers meeting up at 6 am to pack up the perishables into pick up trucks, including 220 hams & turkeys, plus baked goods from Shop Rite, and getting the doors opened by 7:30 for the lines of clients waiting outside.

Former Chairman Guy notes that although we serve people who don’t have much to celebrate, this day is cause for them to forget their problems for a while. Community Hall sported a sparkling Christmas tree and decorations. Joyful festive Christmas music was provided by John Centi, Jim Ambrose & Sam Graham from the St. Pius X Church choir.

Then an extra $25 ShopRite gift card was given to each family, courtesy of card donations from the good people of Lacey throughout the year. These, along with double "take me" bags, lent an excitement to the morning.

All of us at the Lacey Food Bank give thanks to our wonderful Lacey community of generous neighbors who fill our shelves, sponsor our client families for the year and step up the plate when we need you. For without you, we could not do it.

May you all have a Happy & Healthy New Year.




Making it happen!

For centuries man has kept an appointment with Christmas. And so the volunteers who make up the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee honored that Promise of Christmas as Community Hall was transformed into a Santa's Workshop and Wonderland. Volunteers set out box after box, table after table of new toys and games and warm winter clothing. With something to please Mom and kiddies alike, the 295 children on our client list received the "must have" Christmas items of socks, scarves, hats and mittens. Coats and warm pajamas were the hot items of the day and special thanks go to Exelon The Gannet Foundation and H & R Block in Forked River for providing us with the resources to purchase these items. Our older teen boys and girls were presented with gift cards to local retailers, restaurants and everyone's favorite.....WaWa! More than 500 pairs of socks were collected by Elaine Triano & Patty Fraley's Girl Scout Troop #258. Our drop off locations were filled and special thanks go to Richard and Margareth Hauswirth of Hauswirth Insurance, The Ryan Family of Ryan's ServiCenter, Curves, The Stress Center, Ultimate Gym and New Concepts Hair Salon for opening their doors and their hearts to us and the children.

The support we received from our schools was beyond anything we could have imagined. Leading the way, the LTHS SGA under the guidance of faculty advisor Trish DeFelice arrived at set up with a truck full of gifts and a delegation of students ready, willing and eager to lend a hand. Fundraisers and gift collections sponsored by the Forked River, Lanoka Harbor, Cedar Creek, Mill Pond and the Middle School brought us tons of toys, clothing, food and monetary donations. The LTHS Interact Club, under the direction of Bunny McGauley came prepared with youthful exuberance and muscle on distribution day, making our job a whole lot easier. Brian Swanke of CWR Electronics provided a ShopRite gift card for each Mom to be used toward a special Christmas morning breakfast and The McCombie Family presented us with a generous donation of giftcards ... much to the delight of the older and harder to fit children. Lacey Moose Lodge 1907 hosted a fun family day that brought us toys and a very nice check!! We are grateful to the employees of Home Depot, Kohls, TJMaxx and Walmart for their year round support of the programs and projects that benefit the families of the Lacey Food Bank.

We could only wish to be able to thank each and every one who helped us make Christmas wishes come true for the Lacey Food Bank Kids. For the most part gifts come to us anonymously - collected in school drives, dropped off in bins located throughout Lacey, through employee collections and angel trees, drop offs at the Food Bank and in dollars and cents stuffed in our collection jars. For all of you, please know that we and the children are grateful for what you so freely give in the real spirit of Christmas. ~

From the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee to All of You... We wish you a JOYFUL CHRISTMAS & a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Rich & Marge Hauswirth

Lacey High School Interact Club


GS Troop 258 came with socks galore

Toasty warm clothes for the kids

Lacey HIgh School's Student Government Association

CWR Electronics

The Women of CURVES continue their holiday giving tradition





The Fish Hawks Salt Water Anglers Club netted a big catch for the Lacey Food Bank Kids Christmas with a collection of $435 in cash and gift cards, games and a food collection that filled an SUV to the roof!


This motley crew of generous hearts collects food for the LFB at each monthly meeting.  At their Christmas meeting this month, they went above and beyond to reach out to those in our community who need our assistance, especially during the holiday season.


Thanks, guys!  You are the salt of the earth and the catch of the day!




The Lacey Food Bank is pleased to announce that the kind and generous folks from 84 Lumber presented us with a check for $5,000! We are ever thankful for this magnanimous gift that will be such a blessing in helping to meet the needs of the disadvantaged in our community this Christmas.



Jeff Nobers, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations is shown with LFB co-chair Pete Peters, LFB trustee Guy Burnett and local resident and 84 Lumber employee Paul DeVaney. 




We don't often think of the tax preparer as Santa Claus, but that's exactly what Sandra Robbins of H&R Block Forked River was to us today. A long-time supporter of programs benefiting local children, Sandy joins us in Keeping the Promise of Christmas by presenting a check for $1,000 to volunteer and LFB Kids Committee member Elaine Brueckmann. Just in time for Christmas, this donation will be used to buy warm winter clothing for the food bank client children.


Thank You H&R Block Forked River and Sandy Robbins for a most generous donation!!



Mrs. Marita Zaremba, representing Exelon/Oyster Creek Generating Station, presents a check for $2,500.00 for the "Keeping the Promise of Christmas Campaign" to Laura Caroccia and Guy Burnett of the Lacey Food Bank. Mrs. Zaremba explained that all the employees at the Oyster Creek Generating Station wanted to help the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee keep it's promise to the children and so it was decided that the proceeds from the sale of Oyster Creek T-shirts would be earmarked for this year's holiday children's gift drive.


Thank You to all the Men and Women of Oyster Creek for this generous donation that will help us provide new, warm clothing and outerwear for more than 282 Lacey children now on our client list.

Mascot Snoopy greeting the crowds.


Jake and Judy Ryan leading the LFB gang.

Teen Helpers with Santa (Pete Peters)!




The Annual Lacey Elks Lodge #2518 Christmas Parade, took place December 3rd.  Their youth group “The Antlers” once again walked the parade route with shopping carts collecting food donations for the Lacey Food Bank. Our township committee members were also on hand, passing out candy to the kids watching the parade.


Judy and Jake Ryan held the Lacey Food Bank banner and led our group, including the LFB Teen Youth Group, headed by Donna McAvoy, along with members of the Lacey High School Interact Club and the Lacey Teen Squad.  They also passed out candy canes and bags with flyers requesting socks for our LFB Kids Christmas.


The Lacey Food Bank van followed behind, manned by co-chair Pete Peters and chair emeritis Guy Burnett, who along with mascot Snoopy in tow, drew cheers along the parade route. In no time at all the van was filled to the brim with the generous donations from our wonderful Lacey community.

LFBKids Christmas 2012 Gift Drive
The Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee believes that every child should wake on Christmas morning to find new clothes and a toy under the tree just for them. Please support the LFBKids Christmas 2012 Gift Drive. Your donations of new unwrapped clothing, new toys, gift cards to local retailers and old-fashioned money donations noted specifically for LFBKids Christmas is the only way we can provide gifts to the 240+ children on our client list. These aren't children who live in faraway places. Your donation isn't sent to some central clearing location to be redistributed to who knows where. These boys and girls live right here in Lacey and go to school with our children. What you give stays right here in town.
You can drop your donation off during regular business hours at Hauswirth Insurance on Rt 9 Forked River, Square Deal Hardware, Rt 9, Forked River or Ryan's ServiCenter, Rt 9, Lanoka Harbor. More locations are being added everyday! Please be as generous as you can.
For more information, please call 609-242-2848 and leave a message for Laura.


Thanks to the Boy Scout Council of Ocean County for sponsoring this very important food drive. Held annually in November, it fills our shelves when the cupboards are stressed with the onset of winter and the holidays. To all the great scouts and their leaders from Lacey who, despite the effects the hurricane had on collections,  managed to come through for us, we thank you for each and every can of soup or tuna & jars of peanut butter and jelly. 


Frank, Ralph and Bert hand the bags to Tony Caporale who provides us with a truck each month

Interact Club members bagging Thanksgiving dinners.

Thanksgiving dinners a plenty!


The Lacey Food Bank is thankful and grateful to the 35 students of the Lacey High School Interact Club who, along with members of the Forked River Rotary, provided the manpower to sack, pack and carry out the fixins' for a complete Thanksgiving Dinner at our November food distribution. For more than 25 years, complete Thanksgiving Dinners have been provided to needy families in Lacey by the Forked River Rotary. With turkeys donated from Walmart in Lanoka Harbor, the students, along with Mr. George W. Smith, the Manager of Walmart and his wife, joined the volunteers of the Lacey Food Bank to experience first-hand a 21st century version of the shared harvest feast.

The Lacey Food Bank thanks the many community groups, businesses, individuals and schools who open their hearts and their pocketbooks to help us feed the Lacey families who are in need. In the days following Hurricane Sandy, the friends and family of the Lacey Food Bank have stepped up and helped us through what is tantamount to a food crisis for many of our neighbors. In a time when more people than ever are reaching out for help, we are proud to be part of a community working together to put food on the tables of those who need it the most.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Lacey High School Interact Club

Bunny McCauley and members of the Interact Club distributing turkeys.

George W. Smith (2nd from right), Mgr. of Walmart, with members of the Forked River Rotary Club.

Take away items ready and waiting!





Every year at the end of November, a big yellow school bus pulls up to the Lacey Food Bank loaded with every kind of non-food product - paper goods, detergents and personal care products of all kinds. This is a project of the Intergenerational Club - the "OWO's" (Old Wise Ones) getting together with Lacey School District elementary school children and their teacher advisors to provide this bounty. This group performs different projects around the Lacey community all year round, and the Lacey Food Bank is fortunate to reap the rewards of their good deeds. 


Thanks to all of these outstanding young citizens, their teachers Leah Davies, Liz Hutler, Maureen Tyhanic and Carol Robibaro and senior representatives Terry Duff, Ann & Elio Sierchio and Martha Burke.



The children working to unpack the goods.




Black bags filled with supplies.





The "Provide for the Pride" event was held last Sunday by several student groups at Lacey High School in conjunction with the local community.  The event was held to support ongoing relief efforts for those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Helping to coordinate the event was the student-run school television network, WLTS-21, which would televise the fundraiser to the local community.  Student Government Association Secretary and WLTS co-manager Steven Krawiec devised the idea of “Provide for the Pride. Local EMS, Scouting groups and other organizations set up shop in the hallways of Lacey High School, accepting donations and speaking with members of the public. The Lacey Marching Lions, school dance team and competitive cheerleaders performed.


This event supported our Lacey Food Bank and the Lacey United Methodist Church, both of which have been very active in serving the community’s needs since Hurricane Sandy hit the shore. The collection of food loaded into the LFB truck climbed past the windows, and $900 was donated as well.
We extend our gratitude to all the students and staff of Lacey High School and members of the Lacey community for helping to make the “Provide for the Pride” a rousing success.

Thanks, Lacey Township, for a van-full of community caring.

Mr. Touchdown, Joe Elefante, Savannah Gray and teacher Jen O'Boyle presenting Pete a $1,000 check.




Every year since 2005 the Lacey High School Lions Football Team have scored a winning goal for the Lacey Food Bank with their Mr. Touchdown Contest. This competition consists of each cheerleader being assigned a football player on the team and then selling votes to capture the Mr. Touchdown title for her player.


This year we congratulate Joe Elefante as the reigning “Mr. Touchdown.” The cheerleader who won her “man” the victory by selling the most votes was Savannah Gray who said she was determined to make Joe the winner! And, the Mr. Touchdown contest scored another $1,000 for the Lacey Food Bank!







GIVE US A:  T...H...A...N...K...Y...O...U...
In addition to the Mr. Touchdown contest, the Lacey High School Football Cheerleaders ran a fundraising event during the big game this past Saturday called, "Help The Lacey Food Bank." Non-perishable food donations filled the LFB van with lots of provisions that will gratefully be put to good use as the needs of our community continues to rise, especially in light of Hurricane Sandy.
We are grateful for the continuing support from Lacey High School who provide the LFB with a substantial portion of the food that is collected throughout the school year.
What's that spell?
.....a big THANK YOU!!!


"In one blink, everything changed. Even though it should have been a clear, sunny day the whisper of the wind became a hurricane that destroyed everything it touched." ~ Anon

                                                     HELPING HANDS JOINED TOGETHER

When it was finally safe enough to venture out, we saw the ravaged homes in waterfront areas of Lanoka and Forked River Beach and Sunrise and the devastation caused by falling trees and poles and wires in other parts of town. When we were able to venture further, we were heartbroken and disbelieving of the damages and destruction inflicted on our beautiful Jersey Shoreline. It left you in awe at the sheer power and strength of Nature. And it left you to wonder how any of this could ever be righted again.

The Lacey Food Bank Family is grateful and humbled by the outpouring of generosity by our neighbors, community and friends. From as far away as Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania trucks, vans and cars of food, cleaning and household supplies have been arriving on our doorstep. Local groups have mobilized and set up impromptu collections sites that have yielded box after box of non-perishable foods and basic necessities. Long time Food Bank Friend, Richard Hauswirth of Hauswirth Insurance, not only continues to fill our shelves, he is donating shelving to help us store and stage the incoming contributions. Perennial supporters, the Staff & Students of Lacey High School and the Lacey Moose have laid plans for a telethon and fundraiser to help us get through the days and months ahead. Donations from the many friends of the Lacey Food Bank Facebook Page have brought us to near tears.

And we have made new friends and family during this time. A former Lacey son came to us with an offer of empty boxes for storage and walked away committed to supporting the Lacey Food Bank Kids Christmas Project by instructing his employees to forego their annual "give a gift to the Boss" collection and instead buy new toys for the Food Bank Kids Christmas Project. Or the Lacey Women's Softball League who came to us 15 strong with food, Shop Rite gift cards, energy and a promise of League support for as long as we need it. These and so many others, groups and private citizens, who left their donations with kind words and promises of coming back, give us hope.


From Point Pleasant Beach to Stafford to LBI, we have supported and encouraged each other in the days immediately following Hurricane Sandy. This was not and is not an event that will quickly pass. But we know that if we continue to encourage, lift and strengthen one another, we will heal.


Thank You from all of us at the Lacey Food Bank.



The Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee's "3rd Annual Costumes for Kids" took place during the regular October food distribution.

Thanks to a very, very generous donation from Walmart, more than 100 of our Food Bank Ghouls and Goblins in grades K-6 will have a costume to wear to school and for Trick or Treating! Each child also received a specially decorated Halloween Snack Pack, safety headbands, a trick or treat collection bag and a choice of spooky decorations. Costumes, makeup, wigs and accessories were available for the older kids as well.

The LFB Kids Committee collects costumes all year long. Please call Laura at 609-242-2848 if you have a new or clean, gently used costume to donate for the 2013 Costumes for Kids Program. Thank You from all of us on the LFB Kids Committee.

LFB volunteer Debbie Candeletti helps in choosing just the right costume!


Just some of the donated costumes.


Walmart Liason Doreen Padovani with LFB Volunteer Rosalie Tulino.




Members of HAT setting up their plentiful bounty.




Audrey and Valerie helping on distribution day.


The Hunger Action Team (HAT), a service group of the Forked River Presbyterian Church, which is pastored by Rev. Dr. Terry Chapman, provides a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables each month for the Lacey Food Bank. This past summer alone, from June through September, almost 500 bags of fresh food were given out to our very grateful clients!

Chaired by Isabel Orris, HAT consists of approximately 12 volunteers who faithfully gather these riches, bundles and transports them to Community Hall for our monthly distribution. Two members of the group return the next day to assist with distribution. Susan Hender, a member of HAT, emphasized that fresh produce is so important for a healthy diet and so expensive to purchase, that the group felt it imperative to find a way to provide it for our clients. It was arranged that on the first Sunday of each month, money is collected from the congregation at the Forked River Presbyterian Church for this purpose. The produce is purchased locally. Mike Russo’s Farm in Chesterfield not only sells the produce at a reduced rate but generously donates as well.  Items are also purchased at the local Costco. In addition, the church has an ongoing collection of canned and packaged goods and gathers store coupons from circulars for discounts. 

This is just a snapshot of some very dedicated individuals working tirelessly in giving their time, talent and treasure wholeheartedly for the good of their fellow neighbors in need.


Deb Candeletti sells raffle tickets as Rosa Steitz & Joan Topping peruse the gifts baskets.


Psychics deep into their readings.


Halloween-themed gift baskets up for bids during the silent auction.


The Captains Inn in Forked River provided the perfect setting for the Annual Almost Halloween Psychic Night to benefit the Lacey Food Bank Kids Programs. The chill of the ominous October night along with the fiery glow of the torches that light the shores of Forked River added the ideal backdrop for our evening of psychic entertainment.

Guests were entertained by a talented company of intuitives from Charmed in Company who read cards, palms, sticks and angels while shedding light on career changes, romance possibilities and trips to foreign lands! While they waited, our guests could visit the jewelry expo for something shiny and bright, get a free hand massage or test their own psychic ability at Swammy Mommy’s corner! A Halloween treat table gladly accepted donations. A hot and cold sampling of the best of Captains Inn fare satisfied everyone’s taste buds, while the gift auction table offered Halloween-themed baskets as well as gift certificates and gifts that pamper.

The Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee thanks everyone who came out and supported this event. Special thanks to Co-Chair Laura Caroccia, Rosa Steitz, Debbie Candeletti, Andrea Flaherty and Rosalie Tulino who handled the door, the raffles and the spirits!!! And Thank You to Debbie and her staff at the Captains Inn for their help and excellent service.

The night’s profit of $964.60 will help us reach our goal of providing Christmas gifts to each of the more than 240 Lacey children on our food bank client list.



After some quick changes and phone calls, our Annual Volunteer Picnic was brought in from the rain to the cozy dry warmth of Community Hall.  While Chef John did a superior job flipping hamburgers and hot dogs without charcoal on his antique, pre-seasoned skillet, Guy, Paul and Pete had a handle on other things including waiting, hosting tables, setting up chairs, place mats, coffee and even providing background music! The ants and flies sure missed out on some really great salads and tasty desserts that our volunteers contributed to our feast!

Although there was no need for sunscreen and we had to forego the horseshoes game, we did have fun with team puzzles - Tables 2 and 5 led the pack! Thanks to Ryan’s Service Center for contributing a free oil change that was among the door prizes. Thanks, too, to Paul who entertained us with some Red Skelton jokes!  We hear his next stint may be in Atlantic City ;). 

All in all, about 35+ volunteers came together to celebrate the work we do at the Lacey Food Bank and to talk about future plans like the new Community Service Committee, the new hours of distribution, and the impact having the distribution at the Food Bank will have.

Many thanks to all who participated.  We’re looking forward to more good times to roll at our Christmas party!

Joe and Joan prepared to spread the news with flyers!

Pretty pumpkins ready to be painted.




Joan and Dee are all smiles!

Guy, Susan, Frank and Pete kick off the day.


It was a crisp autumn day, just perfect for some good old-fashioned fun and community fellowship at the 19th Annual Apple Festival sponsored by the Lacey Historical Society.
Lacey Food Bank volunteers were on hand to greet old friends and make some new ones. A hometown favorite event, AppleFest helps us to reinforced to our neighbors the committment food banks throughout Ocean County and all of New Jersey have to work toward bringing New Jersey Fresh to the families and children who need it the most. Your contributions continue to help us reach that goal. Our collection amounted to an amazing $418 in donations.
Thanks to all who joined in this community celebration and gave back so generously to our community members in need.

Twp. Committeemen Dave Most and Gary Quinn visit the LFB Tent with volunteers Frank, Guy and Susan




Pat and Tom lending a helping hand.





Ocean First Bank and the OceanFirst Foundation have long been supporters of the Lacey Food Bank, and their support has reached far beyond canned goods for our pantry shelves. Through the years, thanks to the OceanFirst Foundation Charitable Grants, the Lacey Food Bank has been the recipient of a storage trailer, refrigerator/freezer and even the seed money that helped to put the Lacey Food Bank Van on the road!

Recently, we reached out again in response to emergency needs that were crippling some of our food bank clients. And once again the OceanFirst Foundation responded. Pictured is Ocean First Bank AVP & Branch Manager Lorraine Dellert presenting a check for $1,500 to Lacey Food Bank Trustee Cynthia Boylan-Pieja. Since 1996 the OceanFirst Foundation has been providing financial assistance to charities that serve the people within their market area. The Lacey Food Bank is grateful for their continued help and support.

Rita, Regina, Laurel, Deb, Tara and Donna setting up.

Diane manning the table.


Guy, Ed, Donna, Rita and Bert surveying the goods.

Teen Corps members Anthony Palino, Rich Henwood and Kyle Mitchell helping Don and Paul set up.


Although the annual Lacey Food Bank Yard Sale faced rainy weather challenges this year, spirits were not dampened as a band of our volunteers united together to keep things dry and sellable.  Half of the tables with items that could not withstand the weather were moved indoors, and others tables were covered and wiped down from time to time.  Our wonderful buyers defied the storm, nonetheless, browsing through the many donated treasures, and purchasing items, since who couldn’t resist donating a few dollars to our wonderful cause?  Thanks, also to our persuasive seasoned volunteer salespeople who withstood a few downpours and didn’t seem to mind! 

We appreciate the many donated items, the vendors who purchased tables, our volunteers who braved the raindrops and our generous buyers. Some may say it was kind of a wash and the cup on one table that was filling with rainwater was half empty.  But since we collected a total of $300, we see that cup as half full and are grateful to be able to use it to continue to provide provisions for our clients.

Glass half full!

Susan, Rita, Don and Ed smiling through the raindrops.

Rain, rain go away.

Puddles a plenty!






It's a bird, it's a plane.  No!  It's Super Volunteers! Barb and Tom Segrich, two valuable volunteers for the Lacey Food Bank, coordinated a 2nd food drive in their generous community, Sea Breeze.

Barbara, who along with Tom worked the August distribution had this to say:  "When we saw the long line of people at the August distribution and the shortage of food for them, we decided it was time to do another drive in our Sea Breeze community. Our neighbors were so generous last time that we were hoping they would be once more, and they came through for us again. We are so fortunate to live in this new community with such wonderful and generous neighbors."

The picture gives you an idea of the abundance of food that was collected, along with a check for $600!  Our client list continues to grow and summer traditionally means empty shelves - not a good combination.These donations gave the food bank a much-needed boost! 


Barb and Tom are the epitome of dedication with the backing of their generous neighbors in Sea Breeze. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive...that's our friends at Sea Breeze!



Six NJ Food Banks to Share in State Grant


The Lacey Food Bank served as the host to a very special press conference featuring Secretary Douglas H. Fisher of the NJ Department of Agriculture and Commissioner Richard E. Constable III of the NJ Department of Community Affairs. Following opening remarks by Lacey Township Committee Members, Gary Quinn & Sean Sharkey, the Commissioner and Constable announced that a $225,000 grant had been approved and would be divided among 6 "mother" food banks, based on need and poverty levels, including our "mother" bank - the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Executive Director, Carlos M. Rodriguez, of the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties addressed the growing needs and demographic changes taking place in Monmouth/Ocean and throughout the State. Chairman Emeritus, Guy Burnett, of the Lacey Food Bank provided an overview of the Lacey Food Bank growth over the last 10 years.


In addition to the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, the money will go to the Community Food Bank, which serves Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Union, Atlantic, Camden, Cape May, and parts of Burlington counties; the Food Bank of South Jersey, which serves Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Salem counties; Mercer Street Friends; NORWESCAP, which serves Hunterdon, Warren and Sussex counties; and Southern Regional Food Distribution, which serves Atlantic, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer and Salem counties.


The grant will help the food banks to get nutritious food, including ‘Jersey Fresh’ produce, to families in need.

Carlos M. Rodriguez Executive Director of the Food Bank for Monmouth and Ocean Counties


Township Committeemen Gary Quinn and Sean Sharkey


LFB Chairman Emeritus, Guy Burnett


Douglas Fisher,Sec. NJ Dept. of Agriculture & Richard Constable III, Com.NJ Dept. Community Affairs



Ashley Candeletti, Kevin Tonkovich, Ben Mrozinski, Rich Henwood, Eric Reitmeyer, Paul Toth Jr, Paul Toth Sr., Andrew Steitz, Hunter McPherson, Rosa Steitz, Deb Candeletti and Donna McAvoy


Members of Teen Corps not pictured: Dan McAvoy, Brett Kinsey, Kyle Mitchell, Joey Noda, Robert Mulligan, Bryan Mulligan, Ryan Mahon, Tom Blackwood, Haley Rooney, Kevin Tonkovich, Ben Mrozinski, Jena Locandro and Anthony Palino.




The Back to School Program of the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee saw the largest amount of children in Food Bank history get the necessary supplies to start off the 2012/13 school year.

Backpacks, stocked with pencil cases, pencils, notebooks, crayons, markers, rulers, erasers, sharpeners, glue sticks, child scissors and more were distributed to children in K-6. The students in grades 7-12 had their pick of binders, 1, 2 and 3 subject notebooks, pens, highlighters, staplers, index cards, sharpies, calculators and so many other supplies geared to the older student.

Our thanks and appreciation to the community organizations, businesses and citizens whose generous donations made this Back to School event the best one yet. A special round of applause to Hauswirth & Sons Insurance Consultants, Walmart, Thompson Chiropractic, Curves, the Lanuto Family and the Lacey Teen Corps for their on-going sponsorship and support of the LFBKids Committee Programs.


A record number of 144 Lacey Township school children will get the opportunity to START SMART this year THANKS TO YOU!!!



Eric Reitmeyer, Paul Toth and Rich Henwood model some very fine-looking backpacks!





The backpacks came in all shapes, sizes, colors and patterns. Lots to choose from for every child's personal taste!





Whenever they socialize throughout the year, this great neighborhood group raises lots of food for the Lacey Food Bank. Be it a holiday affair or breakfast out, one thing is constant: They bring along food for the Lacey Food Bank!


This time they outdid themselves with piles of food, which was so totally awesome for our new Friday storekeepers, they called in to report it!



Thanks to all our Lacey Food Bank volunteers for a great August distribution!

In addition to our regular give away, our LFB Kids Committee went over the top with "back to school" supplies!!!

We'd also like to give a warm thank you to Tony Caporale of Caporale's Pet Supplies Inc., for his valuable monthly donation of his truck, his time, and his effort to support us. Pictured in the truck with Tony is Ken Rylak of the Fish Hawks, helping shrink wrap one of the pallets of food destined for our distribution.




The Taste of Southern Ocean Hunger Relief Dinner Chairmen, Dan Taylor of Anderson Agency and Chef Ian Smith of Ocean County Vo Tech, present Lacey Food Bank co-chair Pete Peters with a check for $10,000. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the 2012 Taste Committee, sponsors, chefs and attendees, seven local food pantries benefited from the money that was raised from the 2012 Boardwalk Dynasty dinner, which was held at Sea Oaks Country Club in April.

In a press release Dan Taylor stated, “The committee is so very gratified with the attendance, the food lovingly prepared by our local chefs and the great success of the evening. Again, the volunteers and the community came through and showed their support and understanding of how important these food pantries are.”
The Lacey Food Bank is grateful for this very generous donation and appreciates all the time, effort and good will shared by all who were involved in this very special event.

Rich Henwood, Donna and Dan McAvoy and Paul Minetti.


Guy Burnett, Co-Chair Pete Peters and Storemaster Dick Sansone.


Marion and Fred Spielberger.



Although it was a hot, humid and sometimes wet Lacey Days this year, the giving spirits weren’t dampened as people stopped by the Lacey Food Bank tent to say hello and drop donations into our jar. The kids (and sometimes adults!) loved the lollipops and mascot Snoopy postcards, and some of our four-legged canine friends even did tricks for doggie biscuits.

The food (cooked up by the Rotary Club) was great, the music was fun, and it was wonderful to see so many community businesses represented in the many colorful tents. Lacey Township Mayor Mark Dykoff, Committee Members Gary Quinn, Sean Sharkey, Dave Most, Helen DelaCruz, and Senator Joe Kyrillos stopped by our tent to wish us their best in continuing our mission to feed people in our community.

Although the day came to an early and abrupt close by officials when the rain began to pour heavily and the sound of distant thunder echoed, we had accumulated a nice sum from the time we had spent there. Plus, an added bonus was the abundance of hot dogs and hamburgers that had been donated for the event by Walmart and Shop Rite were given to the LFB for our clients at the end of the day.

We live in a great community who support their neighbors wholeheartedly, and for that we are thankful.


Susan Morton with pamphlets in hand.


Ed Weisbrot, Mick and John Esposito with their friend Marie.


Kathy Geiger showing off the LFB banner.


Ed and Linda Kaboski with their grandchildren helping out.





Thanks, Dr. Rob!
Thompson Chiropractic and Sports Rehabiliation has joined forces with the Lacey Food Bank and are participating in our annual school supply drive.
They are auctioning off a free KINDLE FIRE. Any patient who brings in school supplies gets a ticket to win the Kindle Fire. They are planning on filling up trash cans with supplies for us. It was totally Dr. Rob's idea to do this. On the list of most needed are backpacks and loose leaf notebooks.
(Of course, if you are not a patient they would be happy to accept your offerings at their office at 411 Route 9, Lanoka Harbor.)


There will be a lot of happy “back-to-schoolers” this month at our distribution thanks to CURVES.  


We thank Judy Hyslop, owner of CURVES, and all her clients for their ongoing support via their annual food drive, school supplies and Christmas gift drives. This establishment is a fine example of how the community that is Lacey supports us.

Volunteers Dan McAvoy and Will VanSchoick collecting school supplies from CURVES owner Judy Hyslop.





Mill Pond Teacher Cheryl Murga has stepped forward to fill the gardening shoes left vacant by retired Principal, Sue Gallagher. Working with the Mill Pond Garden Club students throughout the year and into this hot, hot summer, Mrs. Murga shared with Co-Chair Laura this first crop of just picked veggies! The Lacey Food Bank is pleased and thankful to be able to pass on to needy families the fruits of the Growing Green within the Pond Project!!


Thank You, Mrs. Murga and Mill Pond!!


It is amazing to all of us at the Lacey Food Bank that food gathering events on our behalf continue to be so creative. It all comes down to planning & strong leadership and Sam Constantino from Lanoka Harbor has now joined the LFB honor roll for innovative action on our behalf.

Along with a group of friends, they fanned out across the community soliciting gifts from local businesses. The event, held Sunday, July 15th at Community Hall promised prizes to all who came and brought food. They came and the food piled up - several truck loads in all. We thank all who participated by working hard to make this a success and who donated prizes as well as the food which will be shared with MOC Food Bank, the regional food bank for Monmouth & Ocean County and the Lacey Food Bank.

Wouldn’t YOU like to join this elite crowd on our honor roll? Check out the page on this site -

"What You Can Do - Community Service Projects "



Great gifts for those who came bearing food - thanks to our support from Lacey merchants.

There is no better example of Service Above Self than in the ROTARY sponsored Interact Georgeous Gown Project. Staffed by the members of the Lacey High School Interact Club under the direction of faculty advisor Bunny McGauley and Rotary liaison Lori Aceto, hundreds and hundreds of high quality affordable new and almost new dresses for Proms, Jr. Cruise, Weddings, Sweet 16, or any night out were available, along with accessories, for a donation of $20.00. All the proceeds from this amazing project going directly to the LTHS Interact Club, a community service based club, committed to supporting local and global charities and their own scholarship programs. The Lacey Food Bank and the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee is honored and grateful to be included as a recipient of their generosity.
Presenting to Co-Chair Laura Caroccia checks totaling $1,000 to benefit the LFB Kids program and the Lacey Food Bank is Interact Advisor Bunny McGauley.



With the temps soaring into the high 90's, it's pretty hard to think Fall and Back to School. But that's exactly what a lot of our Moms are doing right now. Heading back to school after the long summer vacation can be tough on parents and students alike. For many of our parents, the added expense of buying Back to School supplies can be overwhelming. Between backpacks and supplies, even the most basic of back to school shopping can run upwards of $35.00 a child.

The Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee makes every effort to help defray these costs by providing the youngest of our client children with stocked backpacks and other school supplies. Client children in Grades K-6 will receive new backpacks stocked with the basic school supplies that they will need to get started in those first days
of the school year. The middle school and high school students will have an opportunity to select from our ‘Take-Me’ table of loose supplies such as binders, highlighters, multi-subject notebooks and more. But we can only do this with your help. We always need new backpacks, 3 subject notebooks, highlighters, rulers, glue sticks, crayons, pocket folders, staplers, scotchtape and many other school supplies. Monetary donations are welcomed and checks can be made payable to Lacey Food Bank. Please note in the memo area that your donation is for Back2School. We ask that all donations be ready for pickup or drop off no later than August 10.

Our goal is to provide the more than 100 school-age client children with the opportunity to start smart this year by having the supplies they need before they get to school.

If you have a donation or need more information, please Call 609-242-2848 and leave a message for Laura Caroccia.



We were fortunate to receive $4000 from the Sentimental Cruisers car club last week prior to the Lacey Township Meeting, which was televised on local television station 21. The club raised $3600, and Captains Inn restaurant rounded the donation up to $4000.
Co-chair Pete Peters utilized this televised opportunity to promote our web site and explained how to make donations via credit cards or Pay Pal. 
We would like to express our thanks to the Sentimental Cruisers and Captains Inn for their generosity.  The car club displays their cars at Burger King restaurant on Rt. 9 on Friday evenings...stop and say hello to President John, Bill, and Ed (who is also one of our newest volunteers!) 


Scott Motor Coach RV Center, located in Lakewood, held an RV show in the parking lot of the Ocean County Mall recently.  Admission fees were waived for those who brought in food donations, and as a result, 8 large crates of food were filled and donated to the Lacey Food Bank.


The Lacey Food Bank thanks owner Brad Scott for this generous undertaking and for all who donated this abundance.





Like Old Mother Hubbard, the Lacey Food Bank faces bare cupboards in June, July and August. With the school year over and the start up of many youth sports and summer recreational groups not yet underway, food drives are far and few between. Historically, nowhere is this more telling than on the Take Me Tables that are offered at the regular monthly food distribution. With more children than ever to feed, and no free/reduced cost school lunches available at this time of the year, so many of our parents face tough choices during the summer.


Moved by the plight of so many of our townspeople, Hauswirth & Sons Insurance Consultants, under the direction and sponsorship of Richard Hauswirth, presented the Lacey Food Bank with a unique and innovative food drive contest with a once-in-a-lifetime prize! And the results were astounding! We received more than a half ton of non-perishable food staples and more than $1,200 in donations! Our thanks to Rich and Margareth Hauswirth, the Hauswirth Staff and all the folks who supported this effort with their donations.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words....check out these photos that show nearly empty Take Me Tables from last year and what our Take Me Tables looked like today!!!
















Thank you Donna McAvoy and teen co-chairs Ashley Candeletti and Dan McAvoy for another successful Lacey Food Bank Plant Sale!  Ashley and Dan sold bulbs to their friends and families and raised $844! Thanks, also, to the volunteers who supported the sale. The money will go toward the LFB Kids Back 2 School Project!


Great job Ashley, Dan and Donna!









                                      NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD DRIVE


“Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that will change the world,” says Laura Caroccia, co-chair of the Lacey Food Bank. “It's so true because these acts of goodness allow us to do our job.”


Barb and Tom Segrich were perfect examples of this when they organized a neighborhood food drive in our newest community Sea Breeze and collected not only an abundance of food, but checks totaling $1020 and a $200 gift card.  Part of this collection was integrated into the promo for Richard J. Hauswirth & Sons Insurance Consultants' Beach Boys June 27th bonanza concert tickets giveaway in support of the Lacey Food Bank. Go to:  for details on how you could be the winner of this musical history making event!!!! 


Thank you to Barb and Tom (who made two trips to the LFB to deliver the goods) and their generous community for taking the extra steps and doing what needs to be done to keep food on the tables of so many of our township people. They plan to integrate another drive in July with the grand opening of their new club house and commented that a few of their neighbors also asked if there was room for more volunteers!






These young ladies and future community volunteers from kindergarten Daisy Troop 439 of Howell Township, Land of the Pines School, spent an afternoon sacking, packing and decorating the monthly Snack Pack for Kids.  This program is designed to fight food insecurity in the youngest of our food bank clients. 


Along with their leaders, they celebrated the Girl Scout Law with every good deed!



Celebrity Iron Chef, restauranteur and one of the hosts on the daily foodie talk and cooking show, "THE CHEW," along with his family, spent a week foregoing all food from outside sources (including the deliciousness of all the food cooked on "THE CHEW") and shopped while keeping to the budget of under the daily allowance of $1.48 a person per meal. Click below to read the full story.





Through snow or sleet or rain or ice, the US post office delivers! And on May 12th the letter carriers from the Lakehurst post office did just that by delivering a whole van full of food to the Lacey Food Bank. The National Letter Carriers Association has been doing this for 20 years, and we commend them. 
Thank you to all the generous citizens of Whiting who donated to this drive and to the volunteers who came out to unload, sort and shelve the food.
We are truly blessed!


The sun was shining, spirits were  high and the aroma of grilled hot dogs filled the air.  The excitement of opening day of the Lacey Little League at Clune Park on April 21 could not be matched.  The children, sporting brand new uniforms and grinning from ear to ear, were chafing at the bit to get out onto the newly lined and groomed baseball fields.


Their generosity was also in the game as the Lacey Food Bank van quickly got filled to the brim with the food generously donated by these little lads, who in turn got a chance to win a brand new baseball glove!


A lovely woman with two of these little rascals at her side donated a bagful of groceries.  She said to a LFB volunteer, "This collection of food is a great thing you’re doing.  I can remember going to bed hungry as a kid because there just wasn't any food."  This testimony affirms our cause to solve hunger in our own community.  Now play ball!







On April 25th  we celebrated our own Lacey Food Bank volunteers who do extraordinary things through their service of taking action to solve hunger right here in our own community.
Jennifer McMahon of Shop Rite was our guest of honor, recognized for her outstanding service to LFB and presented with the 2nd Annual Friend of the Food Bank service award by  Chairman emeritus , Guy Burnett, who fondly recounted the many ways Jennifer has helped out over the past ten years. "Whatever we needed, somehow she came through,"  he said.
The lovely luncheon was coordinated by volunteer Rosa Steiz and provided by her gang of superchefs extraordinaire, also LFB volunteers.  A special thanks to these awesome ladies who went over and above the call of duty by providing the scrumptious food! Volunteers volunteering once more!
A good time was had by all!

Rosa and her gang of superchefs extraordinare!






This group of youth helps out unloading the food and setting up at our monthly distribution.



Lacey Food Bank Co-Chairs Laura Caroccia and Pete Peters admire the  plaque honoring  guest of honor Jennifer McMahon of Shop Rite for her outstanding service.



Storemaster Dick Sansone congratulates Jennifer McMahon.





Andrea Flaherty gave the scouts from Tara Mulligan's Brownie Troop 123 a guided tour of the Lacey Food Bank "headquarters." Andrea showed them how food is sorted and explained the mission of the food bank. LFB mascot Snoopy made a guest appearance and distributed his autographed Snoopy postcard to all who attended.


Scout Troops and youth organizations are always welcome to take the tour.




Lacey Curves owner Judy Hyslop with the bounty of food.


Recognizing that the need for donations is greater than ever at local food banks across the nation, Curves International kicked off its 2012 Curves Food Drive on March 1 with a challenge to all Curves clubs to meet or exceed last year's donations. With a theme of “Good for Your Body and Your Soul,” participating clubs asked their members to donate bags of non-perishable food or cash throughout the month of March to support area community food banks. In addition, they would waive the membership fee for new members who brought in a bag of non-perishable food or donated to their local food bank from March 12 – 25.


Our local Curves franchise in the Lacey Mall, owned by Judy Hyslop, is very supportive of the Lacey Food Bank, not only with this drive, but with LFB Kids drives such as books, school supplies and Christmas toys. This year they collected 400 pounds of food for LFB!


For more information about the 2012 Curves Food Drive and Curves, please visit





Dick Sansone, along with mascot Snoopy, gets his exercise loading the food from Curves!

Some of the wonderful members of the SGA.




The Student Government Association (SGA) from Lacey High School, a service-orientated group, has been helping the Lacey Food Bank for several years by holding ongoing food drives throughout the school year.


As you can see, this was a large amount of food! In addition, they also donated $182 to buy Shop Rite Food certificates.


                           PETER RABBIT BITES THE DUST
Our great friends at Shop Rite held a raffle for a 15 pound chocolate bunny,
making $150 for the Lacey Food Bank in just a couple of days!
Now that is just finger-lickin' good!



Recently, staff of five Lacey schools participated in Lacey Pride Day held by the Lacey Township Education Association and chaired by Cedar Creek School's Jen Bentley.  Staff at the schools participated by wearing school colors, LTEA shirts and collecting food for the Lacey Food Bank.  Participating schools included Cedar Creek Elementary, Forked River Elementary, Mill Pond Elementary, Lanoka Harbor Elementary and Lacey Middle School.


Forked River Elementary's 3rd grade teacher Linda Cherkos and Custodian Bobbi Klink.










A Culinary Tribute to 1920's Atlantic City
The Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce's Community Foundation has raised more than four hundred thousand dollars since 1995 to support anti-hunger initiatives in Souther Ocean County in our community.
The Lacey Food Bank is honored to be one of the beneficiaries of their work. Their annual donations have comprised a major part of our budget.
We urge you to come out and support this important project by either buying tickets or sending a donation to the foundation. The dinner will be held at the Sea Oaks Country Club on April 25th, 2012. To read about this elegant evening and  print a ticket  click (below)



Print Tickets



Sometimes the help that we get from unexpected quarters is amazing. Here is what happened to us this month.

Perlmart Inc. hires contractors to do various construction and maintenance work throughout their stores. When Burns Construction Maintenance from Blairstown, NJ came to Lacey to do some work, they asked if there were a project that they could do for a worthy Lacey organization.

In stepped our fairy Godmother, Jennifer McMahon, who is Permart Inc’s community affairs liaison. She  and ShopRite manager Glenn Cunningham recommended that they "adopt" the Lacey Food Bank as the recipient of their offer IF we needed something to be done.

Did we? Oh yes, we sure did. Our storage trailer was suppposed to be the solution for our space problem, but due to freezing temps in the winter and 90F days all summer, we couldn’t use it to store pantry foods that would either freeze or deteriorate from heat. So it ended up as a catch-all most of the year.

Just look at us now! Our thanks to all of you who worked on this project and to Burns Construction Maintenance for their great gift.


 Our Benefactor
 Burns Construction Maintenance










                         GOING TO BAT FOR HUNGER!!!


Opening Day Ceremonies for Lacey Little League will take place April 21st at Clune Park in Forked River.  This year Little League President Tom Crowell will be asking teams, participants and spectators to step up to the plate and help out the families in our own town by bringing along a donation of non-perishable foods for the Lacey Food Bank.  Check back for more details. 


                                        Family Friendly Meals!


With more and more families signing on as LFB clients, the need for providing information on nutritious family friendly and kid friendly meals has become a priority for the LFB Kids Committee.  Using foodstuffs normally found in the monthly distribution bags, along with common supermarket/pantry foods, a team of students from MATES (Marine Academy of Technology and Education) working with Andrea Flaherty and Laura Caroccia, have come up a recipe folder that includes tasty, kid friendly, quick and easy cost conscious meal ideas. 


Each month, on the Take Me Tables, a tasty recipe is provided right alongside some of the everyday ingredients.  In the distributions to come, a sampling will be provided to the clients to further pique their interest and their tastebuds!!  Each recipe is geared for family serving and includes nutritional facts such as calories, sodium and carbohydrates.   April will see us providing the recipe for a tasty Spaghetti Bake that serves 5 for less than $1.00 per serving!!


Special thanks to Kevin Dillon, President of the National Honor Society at MATES, for his outstanding work as the project manager for this contribution to the Lacey Food Bank.



Spring was in the air…


…and so were the colors of Easter as every family received an Easter Egg Coloring Kit, some Springtime Clings for their front door and the mandatory package of Easter Peeps courtesy of the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee.  Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Lanuto Family, a specially decorated Springtime Snack Pack was also distributed to our K-6 kids ensuring them a week's supply of healthy snacks that they could call their very own. LFB Kids Committee Laura, Rosa and Elaine distributed the goodies today and one of our kids, with help from Mom, was "dyeing" to get home and get a jump start for their Easter Egg Hunt!!



Ready to go!

Boss Guy talking to Anne


Transporters Don, Boss, Dave, Joe, Don, Frank, Bert, Jack



Each month the food donations for our clients at the Lacey Food Bank are checked, sorted, bagged, loaded on trucks, transported to the Lacey Conmmunity Hall, unloaded, set up and distributed.  These tasks are carried out by a hard-working group of volunteers who work selflessly giving of their time, talent and lots of muscle to carry out this very big undertaking. 


We'd like to share a few pictures of those who make up our distribution (among other chores) team.


From ours to yours...have a very Happy Easter and blessed Passover.

JoAnn and Marylou



A bus load of great things!

Joan with Bert looking on


Josie, Harriet, Jackie and Audrey

Judy readying a bag


Our happy bus crew Jack, Ryan, and Bud

Elaine, Ellie and Susan

Fred, John and John

Diane, Karlyn and Diana


Dr. Chris Patterson presents Laura with a check for the LFB Kids.


Something to Smile About


Doctors Hank Wright, Patrice Ohman, Chris Patterson and the Staff of Bayside Dentistry in Barnegat have long supported community efforts that benefit the most needy of our citizens. Because the patient base of Bayside goes far beyond their zip code, it was decided to share the donation from their February "LIKE" me on Facebook campaign with the Lacey Food Bank Kids and another local food pantry. With the monies designated for the LFB Kids Back to School project, there were smiles all around when Dr. Chris Patterson presented Co-Chair Laura Caroccia with a check for $150.00!!  Thanks Bayside Dentistry!! 




With 11 members due to graduate this June, the LTHS Varsity Winter Cheerleaders, under the direction of Ms. Aimee DelVento, wanted to acknowledge the community that has supported them.  Each cheerleader designed their own unique t-shirt in sponsorship of a player.  With shaker cans in hand, the 2012 Cheerleaders raised a total of $300 for the Lacey Food Bank.  Congratulations Samantha Weigland and Tyler Smith, the winning Mr. & Ms. SlamDunk and to all the participating team members! A special thank you to Coach DelVento who took this opportunity to share the life lesson of doing good right where you live!


Joshua Sisak dropping off the goods.




The Pathmark supermarket in Manahawkin went out of business, unfortunately, and were holding a huge sale to liquidate their remaining inventory.


Enter Joshua and Roxanne Sisak who decided to fill as many shopping carts as they could for the Lacey Food Bank.  In all, 4 shopping carts full of food!!!


Our heartfelt thanks to this amazingly generous couple.


Mrs. Ritner accepts the Certificate of Appreciation for her 5th grade winners of the SOUPER DRIVE.


Proud Paws Club SOUPER DRIVE 5th grade winners waiting patiently for their pizza reward.



Rose Steitz presents Mr. Ryan and his 6th grade a Certificate of Appreciation for most donations!




It was during a conversation late last summer in the Community Garden at the Mill Pond School between Co-Chair Laura and Mill Pond Principal Mrs. Sue Gallagher that the idea for a one item food drive took root.


Always a supporter of the Lacey Food Bank, Mrs. Gallagher learned that one of the biggest challenges facing us this year was the growing number of families.  With winter approaching, the Food Bank concern was keeping enough soup on hand to provide each family with 2 cans of soup in their monthly package.  When you factor in the 200+ families the Food Bank currently serves, that translates to a minimum of 400 cans of soup needed each month.  No easy task when the LFB relies solely on donations of food and money to keep the shelves stocked.  


With a history of service to the community, the Mill Pond School lost no time in implementing a SOUPER DRIVE under the leadership of Mrs. Lori Rutigliano and Mrs. Jacque Supsie, faculty advisors to the "Proud Paws Club". And their SOUPER DRIVE efforts were rewarded with SUPER results.  A total of 1,486 cans of soup was collected and donated to the Lacey Food Bank just in time for the start of the winter season. The 2 top donating classes were treated to a pizza party courtesy of Co-chair Laura who also presented Mr. Ryan's 6th Grade Class and Mrs. Ritner's 5th Grade Class with Certificates of  Appreciation and a challenge to beat their record next year! 


The Lacey Food Bank and the families we serve are very grateful to ALL the students, their parents and the faculty for the enthusiastic support of the first ever SOUPER DRIVE


Net Results are Awesome!

Something wonderful happens every January when the Lacey K-6 teachers take to the floor in a volleyball competition that has hundreds of students and parents cheering from the sidelines.  With the Lacey Township High School gym packed to overflowing, the competition is a family fun night that includes a Lacey Food Bank Table.


This year's event was coordinated by Carlene Sramaty from Cedar Creek Elementary.  The planning committee included reps from all the elementary schools: Terry Stesney and Cheryl Armato from Lanoka HarborKim Wade from Forked River and Chris Crowell from Mill Pond.  Tina Swain, a familiar face from the Lanoka Harbor School manned the overflowing Lacey Food Bank Table.  A raffle ticket for a $25.00 gift card was given to each student who brought a donation for the Lacey Food Bank. 


Congratulations go to Cedar Creek Elementary School who took the trophy home AGAIN this year!!


Many thanks to all the  parent-teacher associations who put this fun and food-filled night together. 

Tina Swain with a portion of the food that was collected for the food bank.


Hometown Heroes come in all sizes!!


Toward the end of last year, Co-chairman Laura Caroccia approached two Lacey schools with the idea of turning their annual food drives into a test program for one-item food campaigns.  "The purpose," she said, "was to highlight the areas of need in the face of our changing demographics and the upcoming winter." 


Cedar Creek School, under the direction of Principal Mrs. Jackie Ranuska, accepted the challenge of 'Canned Protein' - an important nutrient for adults and especially growing children.  To add to the excitement, an in-school competition was launched, with the winning grade to receive a Certificate of Achievement and a surprise. 


The winners of the Cedar Creek School 1-Item Campaign was Mrs. Papa's 3rd Grade Class and they were treated to a pizza party today courtesy of Co-chairman Laura.  And then, Cedar Creek turned around and surprised us!  When they heard we were coming, a jeans day was organized and the event proceeds of $59.00 was donated to the Lacey Food Bank Kids!! 


The 1-Item food campaign was big success at Cedar Creek with more 500 cans of tuna collected.   Good Job and Thank You to all the students and staff of the Cedar Creek School for their continuing support. 



LFBKids Committeewoman Rosa Steitz presenting a Certificate of Achievement

to 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Papa at the Cedar Creek School and some of the kids.




The Forked River Breakfast Club is a neighborhood group who, when celebrating, bring food to the various social events they hold. In December, at a dinner party held by the Auerbachs, a whole trunk load of groceries were produced.


Recently, Bonnie D'Amato of the group brought us a bounty gathered during the breakfast meeting, plus her own check for $100.


This group of nice people here in Lacey have been supporting us with creativity and commitment for several years, and we are very grateful for their generosity.


The Lacey Food Bank received this letter, along with a check for $50 from Mackenzie Wyman, a student at the Mill Pond School.  Her parents, friends and teachers should be very proud of her!


Dear Lacey Food Bank,


My name is Mackenzie Wyman. I am 12 years old, and I go to Mill Pond School. I recently made home made chocolates and sold it to friends and family. I decided to donate the profit to the Lacey Food Bank.I realize that this is not a large donation, but I hope it helps.


Sincerely, Mackenzie Wyman


Thank you, Mackenzie!!


Ken Rylak of the Fish Hawks netting a big catch for LFB!



Did you know that you cannot use food stamps, now called an EBT card, to buy soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, or even a band aid? According to the guidelines, all these items are 'wants' and not needs.  

The Lacey Food Bank thanks and salutes our newest partners:  The Republican Organization of Berkeley Township and liaison Lloyd Mullikin, Ken Rylak and Jimmy Blavat of the Fish Hawks of Lacey, together with Arm & Hammer for stepping up and providing our clients with household and personal hygiene products.  These are items that our clients would have to forego, especially now, when the toll of higher winter utility bills severely cuts into the purchase of any "wants" they need! 


It is truly amazing what can be achieved by partnering with people, businesses and organizations that share our passion of providing basic assistance to those who need it the most.




Everywhere else it may be the Year of the Dragon, but here at the Lacey Food Bank we're calling it the year of the Hometown Hero! 


Camera-shy, Donna Quigley of C & R Plumbing & Heating, Lanoka Harbor, recently presented Co-chair Laura with a donation of $150.00, the result of another successful "LIKE" campaign on Facebook, to benefit the Lacey Food Bank Kids.   This is another great example of Hometown Businesses, Hometown Organizations and Hometown Community members working together to fight hunger.




The Lacey Food Bank and the Lacey Food Bank Kids Committee lost a good friend and volunteer this weekend with the passing of Eileen Figueroa. Eileen, who served as our liaison to an outside corps of volunteers, died Saturday from injuries sustained in an auto accident. She was 26 years old. Whether it was helping to unload a truck or putting tables in place, Eileen would be among the first to lend a hand and share a smile during our monthly setup.

Some women are more special than they know; some for the things that they do, some for the joy that they give and yet others for the kindness they show. But then, there are a few women, like Eileen, who have all of this. She had all the sparkle you would expect from a young woman with a full life ahead of her. No wonder we feel this loss so deeply. Our deepest sympathy to her Mother and siblings.

LFB Co-Chair Laura Caroccia (far right) with volunteers



There's a special camaraderie that seems to connect and build bonds between people who break bread together, and that camaraderie was very evident at the Annual Volunteer Holiday Luncheon that took place recently at the Captains Inn, Forked River. More than 40 volunteers of the Lacey Food Bank took a few hours out of their busy schedules to celebrate a year well spent in friendship and service to the community. Lunch was a triple-crown winner this year with a choice of entrees, a delish apple strudel ala mode for dessert and great door prizes provided by the LFB Kids Committee and the LFB Co-Chairs Laura and Pete!  

LFB Co-Chair Harold (Pete) Peters





Guests of honor - Mr. & Mrs.Tony Caporale

Tony Caporale, owner of Caporale Pet Supplies, Inc. in Waretown is another fine example of how the business community responds to our needs. Tony has been transporting food for our food bank every month since the state put the kibosh on using open bed trucks.







The Lacey Food Bank welcomes you to our 2012 web site.  Thanks for taking an interest in who we are and what we do for our community. We're proud of our 90 plus volunteers who work vigilantly to help over two hundred families in need right here in Lacey Township.  Our challenge has grown over the past years, and we have met that challenge with and through the generosity of our esteemed sponsors, businesses, schools and folks like you who seek to give back to the wonderful community we live in. 


Hopefully, during 2012 our clients will shrink in number, but whatever the future brings, the Lacey Food Bank volunteers will continue to meet our mission. 


Thanks, again, for your interest and have a Happy New Year! 

Harold (Pete) Peters

Co-Chair Lacey Food Bank




In a time when more people than ever rely on food pantries, it's heartwarming to know that in Lacey, neighbors can still depend on neighbors. Community groups, businesses, schools, sports groups, fraternal, civic and charitable organizations, private individuals and our LFB volunteers have stepped up to help feed their Lacey neighbors who need it the most ~ the elderly, the disabled and always the children. 


As our very own Hometown Heroes, YOU have helped us to shepherd our clients through what is tantamount to a food crisis in our own town. In these tough times, we must have ideas, vision, and courage and, with your help, I'm looking forward to 2012 as a year that will see us developing and growing our partnerships, our programs and welcoming new volunteers. 


Opportunities to help others surround us every day. If you and I do just a little bit of good...right where we are...then together we can and will make a very big difference in the lives of the more than 600 Lacey men, women and children we serve.  


Thank You and Happy New Year!


Laura Caroccia

Co-Chair Lacey Food Bank